On Thursday 2 June, Cash’s Awards celebrated another successful year of supplying for the Department of Defence. Cash’s is extremely proud to serve a role in supplying for and honouring Australia’s bravest, having worked closely with the Department of Defence for many years now.
We are the proud producers of all currently issued service medals and badges worn by those who have served and who continue to serve. From the factory in Frankston, Australia, over half a million insignia, metal badges, metal medals, belt buckles and buttons have been meticulously manufactured by Cash’s team of craftspersons.
After a great forty-two years of diligent service to the Department of Defence, Frans Buissink, Conspicuous Service Medal, is to retire. To ensure his service is celebrated, Cash’s created a frame containing meaningful Department of Defence insignia, metal badges, metal medals, belt buckles and shoulder boards. This was presented to Frans in front of the forty-five Frankston staff.
Each of these Australian-made items presented to Frans were designed and developed collaboratively between himself and Cash’s Design Department, a department of craftspeople who offer decades of experience in the manufacture of metal medals and badges. Cash’s always strives to supply Australia’s military service persons with a broad range of the highest quality metal insignia, determined to provide the quality that is deserved for Australia’s bravest.
We would like to thank the Department of Defence for continuing to rely on our trusted supply services, and thank Frans Buissink for his service once more.